How to clear the cache in Opera

To delete the cache from the Opera browser, you can follow one of the following instructions.

1. Delete the cache: The fast way with a shortcut.

Similar to other browsers you can delete the cache with a keyboard-shortcut. The following instruction shows how to do it step by step.

  1. Press the keys [Ctrl], [Shift] and [del] on your Keyboard. A new window opens, where you can setup the options to delete the cache.
  2. Select the period "since installation", to empty the whole browser cache.
  3. Check the Option "Images and Files in Cache".
  4. Confirm your settings, by clicking the button "delete browser data".
  5. Refresh the page.

2. Access the browser cache options through the menu

  1. In the title bar of the browser window click on the "Opera" or on the "Menu" button.
  2. In the following menu "Settings" chose the item "Data and Security".
  3. Below the Headline "Privacy" you'll find the button "Delete Browser data".
  4. After clicking that button a new window opens.
  5. Select the time period "since Installation" to delete the whole browser cache.
  6. Enable the checkbox next to "Images and Files in Cache".
  7. Confirm your settings with the Button "Delete Browserdata".
  8. Reload the website.
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